Soldier Hollow Nordic Center hosted the Pan-American Mountain Bike Championships from May 8 to 12, 2024 – an international competition returning to the United States for the first time in over 20 years, featuring the best athletes in multiple disciplines vying for continental titles and crucial qualifying points for the Paris 2024 Olympic Summer Games. I was fortunate enough this year to be involved in playing music for the 5 days. By design I don't always fill my schedule with events every weekend in advance. So when I get last minute calls I can work events that strategically give me the opportunity to do something different, fun, and new. When I got the call 2 weeks out from the event, I couldn't pass up on working the Pan-Am MB Championships. The nice thing about this gig was that I was upstairs and had a VIP view of the tracks and athletes as they competed.
My role was fairly simple: take the athletes on a musical journey, bring the energy up at the right times, and give them the focus they need to perform at their best. I also played music for the ceremonies, including the National Anthems. For this event, they had 4 emcees: Lea Davison, Doug Lewis, Josh Korn, & Matt Hamburger. Lea Davison was a delight to work with; she is an Elite Women's National Team Member, Tokyo 2020 Olympic Long Team Member, Rio 2016 & London 2012 Olympian. My favorite part of the week was when Doug and Lea teamed up on the emceeing and call-outs for the events. I learned so much about the sport. Doug asked Lea great questions about the sport and spectators got to hear from a world class athlete about what they do to get ready for these races and how sometimes it's not about speed but about strategic placement in the races. Doug while not a mountain biker skied the World Cup circuit from 1983 through 1987, earning one podium position in a major international, placing third in the downhill at the 1985 World Championships. Doug was a speed skier and had eight top 10s in downhill in World Cup races. His insight into sports in general was really valuable as an emcee.
It was a week full of incredible vibes and crazy weather. I kid you not, we had times where it was 60 degrees starting the race and it was snowing in the middle of the race. The athletes had their work cut out for them this year. But Soldier Hollow was a blast to work with. Athletes from more than 15 countries in North and South America compete in the Pan-American Championships for coveted Pan-Am champion jerseys.
Events included Short Track, Relay, Eliminator, and Cross-Country in Junior, U23, Elite, and Masters age groups. Big shoutout to DJ Matty Mo for the referral and TC for giving me the breakdown of events and expectations.
I got to meet some world class people like Kris the PM for the team i worked with. I look forward to working more events like this in the future. (My Affirmation to the world)